
A leading manufacturer with 20 years experience for external use plaster and wound dressing, medical adhesive materials, etc 

Orthopedic Aids Surgical Dressings

Orthopedic Aids and Surgical Dressings

Orthopedic aids and surgical dressings are various kinds of materials like bandages, gauzes, gels, hydrocolloids, alginates and polysaccharide pastes that provide protection, support and healing from various conditions like injuries, wounds, fractures, incisions during operations several. There are various standards in the medical industry like BP, USP, IP, GMP etc that define the quality, purity, identity, and strength among these medical products manufactured worldwide. The dressings manufactured according to those standards are thought to be the safest and most hygienic products which stop the risks of infections and other conditions that may result from unhygienic ones. The following are some within the types of orthopedic aids and surgical dressings used widely all over society to ensure the safest, most hygienic and quick healing from various physical hurt situations like injuries, wounds and fractures.

Plaster of Paris Bandage

The orthopedic plaster of paris bandage refers to body or surgical cast made from calcined gypsum material popular by name plaster of paris. Is actually an a cotton bandage impregnated with plaster of paris that hardens after wetting. The main intent behind these plaster of paris bandages is actually by encase a limb in order to hold a broken bone in place just before healing is well-known. Plaster of Paris Bandage B.P. is one of the widely used and best involving plaster bandages are actually manufactured according to British Pharmacopeia quality standards. These are high quality bandages made of best quality leno weave fabrics. These are extremely stable and provide protection from allergies. These are effective to use throughout types of fractures, luxations and subluxations for correction and prevention of soft tissue injuries, quick healing and deformities.

Elastic Adhesive Bandage

An elastic adhesive bandage is a cohesive bandage that is frequently used to wrap legs and arms. It has good sticking property and doesn't get loosen over some time. This kind of bandage adheres to itself, but in order to mention other surfaces such as hair or skin cause is sometimes used to wrap the legs of animals for it will not stick to their hair and can be easily removed. The elastic adhesive bandage P.P is one with the high quality adhesive elastic bandages that is famous for its elastic property. It is key in nursing homes, hospitals, medical centers etc. for dressing a wound or a cut associated with its antiseptic and astringent qualities that offer quick healing of injuries.

Apart from all of these some common medical aids include cotton crepe bandages, adhesive tapes, chlorhexidine gauze dressings, paraffin gauze sterile dressings, sterilized eye pads, povidone iodine non-adherent tulle dressings, cast paddings get been used a number of orthopedic and surgical stipulations.

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