
A leading manufacturer with 20 years experience for external use plaster and wound dressing, medical adhesive materials, etc 

infrared analgesic plaster-B 1
infrared analgesic plaster-B 2
infrared analgesic plaster-B 3
infrared analgesic plaster-B 4
infrared analgesic plaster-B 1
infrared analgesic plaster-B 2
infrared analgesic plaster-B 3
infrared analgesic plaster-B 4

infrared analgesic plaster-B


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    Product introduction

    Far-infrared materials will continuously emit far-infrared light ray waves at 3-5 microns wave length, which has great Penetration and radiation; it has remarkable Thermostat Effect and Resonance Effect.

    It can be absorbed by body easily and be transformed into Internal energy. After absorbed by body, it can make water molecules resonance and become active. So that the binding force will increase and proteins and other biological macromolecules will also become active. At that time, the organism's cells are at the highest vibration levels.

    Because far-infrared heat can be transformed under skin deeply by Resonance Effect, the heat produced by this progress come out from internal to surface.
    Then, the blood capillary will be expanded , blood circulation will be quickened, metabolism among tissues will be strengthened, regeneration capacity of tissues will be increase, the immunocompetence will improve and abnormal excitatory state will be adjusted, so that, the far infrared ray play a role in health care.



    Relaxing muscle and tendons, activating meridians, expelling dampness and dispersing cold, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain.



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